Pricing & Plans
DEX Starter subscription
  • 3 data chatbots
  • 1,000 message credits per month total
  • 120,000 character credits per month total
  • Unlimited data chatbot sharing
DEX Pro subscription
  • 10 data chatbots
  • 3,000 message credits per month total
  • 360,000 character credits per month total
  • Unlimited data chatbot sharing
Is there a free plan?
Yes! By Signing up you get 1 data chatbot and 30 message credits per month. Sample data chatbots are available to demo as well:
What is a chatbot?
Every chatbot is an AI interface that answers your questions and generates charts for one dataset that you upload, and comes with its own URL. Depending on your subscription tier, you can have multiple chatbots.
Can I control who has access to my chatbots
Yes! You can make any chatbot you create completely public or private to select people.
Do you have enterprise grade data governance?
We are currently in the process of building out enterprise grade data privacy and governance solutions. If you'd like to learn more, please contact us at
How many users can use my chatbot?
Anyone with a link to a chatbot will be able to interact with it, unless you choose to make it private.
How much data can I give one chatbot?
Currently, all plans are limited to 4mb CSV/Excel files or Google sheets tables for each chatbot. This cap will be increased soon and we will also roll out database and Google Sheets connectors.
How can I keep track of my usage
Dex tracks both the numbers of messages (message credits) and number of characters your account uses every month. This information is in your account page.